Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's All Over But the Napping

What a fun show! Thanks to all who came out. I'm still having to take naps to recover… Here are some pics from the beginning of the evening:

If you missed it, you can still stop by the gallery,
weekdays 10 a.m.-6:00 p.m. through the end of July
at Century 21 Redwood Realty,
1711 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA

Almost all the art sold, but a few pieces are
still available at sale prices!

If you see anything you'd like to buy
email me or post a message on FB.

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Paper college, frame included, 18x24", original price $69

Reality Check
Paper college, frame included, 10x13", original price $49

Paper college, frame included, 11x15", original price $49

The Emerging
Paper college, frame included, 10x13", original price $49

Radiant Dark
Charcoal on bristol, frame included, 18x24", original price $69

Descent of Luna
Charcoal on bristol, frame included, 18x24", original price $69

Wunderbar Für Mich
Acrylic and glass on canvas, 10x8", original price $39

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


From the countdown! See you on Friday…
Reality Check, paper collage, 10x13" $49

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Twins

I had to look it up, because I always forget, but these twins are fraternal by definition.

Brick & Brack, acrylic on canvas, 8x11", $39e or $47pair

I also found out, much to my dismay, that those of us who were alone the womb are called "singletons." That makes me feel lonely, although I was never good at sharing a room. The great news for us singletons is that we can grow twins using our own DNA. Time to clone Sarah II to clean my house…

My dogs, Jack and Rounder are:
Fraternal twins
Brothers, but not from the same litter
Father and son

Monday, June 20, 2011

For real, for real

I'm watching Amercia's Got Talent. Don't ask me why. Tonight, there's a man, who calls himself "Alaska," freestyle dancing to impress the judges.

Thanks, TV Guide

I'm not sure whether to be annoyed or be hip to the irony that is this guys' performance. Skipping the fact that he's dressed like a teenage girl, his dance itself mocks the very existence of professional choreography and dance as art. As I watch more amateurs butcher the crafts of comedy, magic, music and… is "variety" an art?… I'm beginning to wonder what's irony and what's just silly. I feel the same way about some of the things I glue together.

Either way, I've got some free art for you! These buttons and magnets will be given away (first-come, first-take) at the show.
Come on down.

Here's a close-up of a magnet:

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Jumbles

My day has been a strange jumble. It's interesting how events, tied with memories, make each day so different from the last, even in the life of someone who is married to the same person for years, goes to the same job, stores, TV channels… Recombination of life's elements results in something new.

This makes me think that if I put the same elements of a collage together twice (on different days), it would look completely different… from itself. I just blew your mind! Collage is different from other art in that you have to take what you're given, which should make it a more accurate reflection of real life. Or does it?!!? You tell me.

Sparklepuss, paper collage, 11x15" $49 with frame

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Outfitt This

I was reading a friend's blog today. She smartly observed that Urban Outfitters, and 'fauxtiques' like it, tout being indie retailers when they are in fact selling mass-produced, foreign-made items. While I have some smarmy things to say about hipsters and stores who market to them, I'll skip to the major point:

If you're going for individual style, why buy something that's mass-produced? This goes for all art that surrounds your life––clothes, accessories, jewelry… ARTWORK.

Hipster reasoning would drive you to buy art so you could tell people you bought art (deck!). And, of course, supporting local art makes you a better person. Or you could buy art just because you like it (and you're tired of the same old IKEA prints).

These are fun––Acrylic on canvas, 16x24" (top) Blue Me Over & Red My Rights $59e or $79pair (bottom) Arbutus & Tussuck $59e or $79pair:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Arbitrary Countdown Begins!

Nine days! Nine days until the big art show… I really need to put my thoughts in order. Have you ever been excited about something to the point that you are distracted from actually working on it? I hope you thought, "Yes," even thought you mouthed, "that sounds irresponsible." I promise to have good food, drinks and other killer elements ambiance to round out your enjoyment of the show. And even if you can't come, order a piece and add a little ambiance to your house.

Did I mention that I'm not the only artist at this show? Lolita Martucci, a brilliant oil painter, will be showing off her land- and city-scapes, and a few abstract things as well. Keep checking our FB event page for more sneak peeks of her stuff.

One of my favorites, the large piece above, is "The Leaving Song." Acrylic on canvas, 24x36" $99

If you're a little less traditional, check out "Obsidian" and "Pyrite." 12x12" $$49e or $57pair

Or "Gum" 14x11" $49

Check back tomorrow for more!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Terrible Blogger

Boy, a year's gone by with no time to write! Since my last post, I've been creating new headers for Holland Cox and an updated look for The Firm DC's production of The Vagina Monologues. And of course worked my day job, which involves trying to get to Arlington without flex time, trying not to eat other peoples' yogurts or Lean Cuisines, and repeatedly explaining the difference between JPGs and EPSs. However, I occasionally throw some design out there, including NACAC's media kit.

I had some down time after all that, so instead of enjoying doing nothing, I immediately agreed to do an art show with my friend (and coworker) Lolita for the Century 21 realty offices in Courthouse (Arlington, VA). Instead of writing more (and risking increasing use of parenthesis), I'm going to post some of my work in the next few weeks.

Lolita and I both hope you'll come out for our free show on June 24! More info here. If you'd like to order anything, email me at infrared.creations{at}

accidental genius
behind the
$39 or $79three
8.5x11" paper collage, frames included